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english silent letters

Here’s a list of common English words that contain silent letters. If I had to guess, I say that ‘bomb’, ‘debt’ and ‘salmon’ are the most common offenders! 


bomb, catacomb, climb, crumb, debt, doubt, dumb, lamb, limb, numb, plumber, subtle, thumb, tomb, womb


ascend, ascent, descent, fascinate, fluorescent, incandescent, miscellaneous, muscle, obscene, rescind, scene, scenario, scent, scissors


bridge, edge, handsome, handkerchief, sandwich, Wednesday


align, assign, benign, campaign, champagne, consignment, deign, design, foreign, gnarled, gnash, gnat, gnaw, gnome, high, light, malign, reign, resign, sign, sovereign 


aghast, exhaust, exhibition, ghastly, gherkin, ghetto, ghost, ghoul, heir, honest, honour, hour, rhinoceros, rhubarb, rhyme, rhythm, vehicle


knack, knapsack, knead, knee, knife, knight, knit, knob, knock, knoll, knot, know knowledge, knuckle

balm, calf, calm, chalk, could, folk, half, palm, salmon, should, stalk, talk, walk, would, yolk


autumn, column, condemn, damn, hymn, solemn


corps, coup, pneumatic, pneumonia, pseudonym, psychedelic, psychic, psychiatry, psychiatrist, psychology, psychologist, psychopath, psychosis, psychotherapy, pterodactyl, pterosaur, receipt


aisle, apropos, debris, island, isle 


apostle, asthma, ballet, bristle, bustle, bustling, castle, Christmas, fasten, glisten, gourmet, hasten, hustle, jostle, listen, moisten, mortgage, often, rapport, ricochet, rustle, soften, thistle, whistle, wrestle


answer, sword, two, who, whole, wreck, wren, wrestle, wretch, wriggle, wrinkle, wrist, write, writhe, wrong, wrought, write,


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